
Who is really the first female presidential nominee?
Jun 12, 2016Jeff
- Who is really the first woman nominee for the President of the United States? Many news outlets recently buzzed with announcements that Hillary Clinton’s win in the primaries made her the first woman nominee for the President of the United States…but is she really the first? Looking at Clinton’s own tweet, it looks like there … Continue reading "Who is really the first female presidential nominee?"
New Taiwan leader sworn in
May 20, 2016Jeff
- Tsai Ing-wen, 59, has been sworn in as the new president of Taiwan. She is Taiwan’s first woman to be elected to the office of the President. She is also the first president to be of Hō-ló, Hakka, and Aboriginal descent. She the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to a landslide win in elections in January. … Continue reading "New Taiwan leader sworn in"
Violent clashes in Trump rally
Mar 12, 2016Jeff
- Donald Trump has called off a rally in Chicago after protests turn violent. Hashtag #TrumpRally has been trending in Twitter with users posting scenes from the rally. In Trump tower employees turned on lights above the sign ‘Trump’ to read ‘NO Trump’. #TrumpRally Enough said pic.twitter.com/XBtquGbTO2 — justblegit (@justblegit) March 12, 2016 Jedidiah Brown was … Continue reading "Violent clashes in Trump rally"