Actor And Designer Waris Ahluwalia Kicked Off Plane Because Of His Turban

He has modeled for major ad campaigns but was still a victim of racial profiling.
Nadya Agrawal
Editorial Fellow, The Huffington Post
AeroMexico did not allow a well-known Sikh man to board a plane Monday because of his beard and turban.

Actor and designer Waris Ahluwalia, who was on his way to New York Fashion Week, shared the following image of with his plane ticket on Instagram, with the caption #FearisanOpportunitytoEducate.

A spokesperson from AeroMexico confirmed Ahluwalia was removed from his flight.

“About the situation of passenger Waris Ahluwalia, Aeromexico reports that he was asked to submit to screening and inspection before boarding, in strict compliance with TSA protocol,” the spokesperson said in an email to HuffPost. “We have offered the passenger to alternatives to reach his destination as soon as possible. We sincerely regret any inconvenience caused by this incident.”

Ahluwalia made headlines in 2013 as the first Sikh man in a national Gap ad campaign and has had cameo roles in Wes Anderson films, among other acting roles. This isn’t the first time he’s fallen victim to racial profiling despite his fame.

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